Don’t Make Excuses. Make A Commitment To You!

It’s easy to look at professional athletes, CEO’s and entrepreneurs and imagine them as wholly different humans from us. They can wake up at 4 AM to hit the gym before starting their busy day—there’s no way a regular old person like me could!

Today I want you to challenge your assumptions about yourself. Stop making excuses for yourself. Everyone gets tired. Everyone feels overwhelmed and would much rather have a few beers on the couch after a long day than hit the gym. But will you look back a year from now and be grateful for all the things you let yourself slide, just because it was too hot/cold/rainy to go out? Of course not!

You’ll pat yourself on the back and be grateful that you made time for yourself. You’ll be happy that you put yourself first, and that you made a decision and stuck with it. Don’t let yourself get away with putting yourself in the back corner. Push yourself, and make it happen.

Write down your goals, and keep them like an appointment with the doctor, one you can’t put off. That’s the only way to reach your goals. I guarantee it’s the way that every professional athlete, CEO, and entrepreneur hit their stride!