You Cannot Change What You Refuse To Confront

You Cannot Change What You Refuse To Confront

One of the most beautiful aspects of every fitness journey is the sheer amount of self-discovery that happens along the way. It’s fascinating that in the pursuit of a better figure and greater health, we are forced to face our demons, deal with our insecurities, and confront the darkest, most complicit parts of who we are as people. In order for that beauty to be experienced, however, we first have to see those “bad” parts of us.

In fitness, it’s always a choice of easy vs hard. Should we take it easy and have a rest day, or should we make it hard and really push ourselves today? It’s easy to overlook the psychological and emotional aspects of training and focus solely on the physical parts of it. But, I guarantee you won’t get the best results thinking that way.

There are deep-seated reasons that we end up overweight, unhappy, and searching for something better. We may feel inadequate, or we may have been bullied. In order to grow and shed more than simply pounds, we have to be willing to face those ugly things and allow ourselves to grow through them. That cannot happen if we refuse to confront them.

Today I challenge you to consider your “bad” parts. What are the things happening in your mind that contributed to you pursuing a healthy, fit lifestyle? Are you confronting those things, or simply pushing them aside? Challenge yourself to pull back the curtain and make a change for the better.