Should I Work Out Today?

Should I Work Out Today?

Remember, achieving your goals requires a lifestyle change. To achieve your goals, you must first make the commitment to yourself! This means setting a schedule of workouts and sticking to it—no matter what. Remember, you deserve it!


Even when you start with the best intentions, it’s easy to fall off track when you have a bad day. If you’ve experienced many starts and stops on your fitness journey, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. On Wednesday morning you decide to sleep in instead of hitting the gym at 5 AM, and the next thing you know, you’re bingeing Hot Cheetos after work and having nachos for dinner.


You feel guilty about skipping your workout, and then feel more guilty about the choices that follow. Before you even realize, you’ve stopped your fitness journey altogether and are back to feeling bad about yourself.


Make a commitment that this cycle stops today. Right now. You are worth going to bed early to get the rest you need. Your body deserves to get some exercise first thing in the morning to get your system revved up and ready for the day. You deserve to eat healthy foods that benefit you, not make you feel lousy.


Set your intentions … and most importantly, follow through on them with real action! Should you work out today? You bet. Take care of your body, and treat it like the prized possession it really is. You’ll only regret the workout you didn’t do.