Happiness Is Liking What You’re Doing

Happiness Is Liking What You’re Doing

There are so many happiness gurus in the world today, it’s easy to get caught up in preaching, teaching, and to-do lists. You’re told you must read this book to find your true happiness, or you need to take this brand of vitamins to improve your mood.

What if happiness was truly already inside of you? What if, tomorrow when you woke up, you were just happy? Your circumstances were the same, your annual salary was the same, and your body was the same Would it be possible to experience deep, true happiness?

Today, I encourage you to try just that. 

You may think that the ability to do exactly what you want, every day, is the source of happiness. Sure, waking up at 10 AM and having a lounging day filled with your favorite foods and activities would be awesome. But is it happiness?

Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.

Start reimagining your personal happiness today by thinking this way. Even when circumstances are not exactly what you like, you can still find joy. It’s a mental exercise, and like any other exercise, it gets easier the more that you train. 

Rather than focusing on the things you dislike about your job, your circumstances, or yourself, switch gears to focus on what you do. Long commutes are never fun, but they’re a great chance to listen to an engaging podcast or do some meditation. A busy household may keep you on your toes, but the joy of a full heart is a powerful elixir.

You may not always have the freedom to do what you like, but you always have the opportunity to choose to like what you do. Maybe that’s the real source of happiness.